The Visitor

“The Visitor” is a reimagining of the classic Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1968 film “Teorema”. Pasolini’s enigmatic protagonist, known to everyone as “the Visitor”, arrives at the house of an upper-class family and seduces each family member one after the other. When he suddenly departs, he leaves behind an emptiness for which the rest attempt to compensate in different ways.
Bruce LaBruce reinterprets the story, giving the Visitor the face (and body!) of a refugee of colour who washes up in a small suitcase on the banks of the River Thames in London. With no name nor clothes, despite his sore limbs after the journey, he vividly rushes forward, making it to the house of a wealthy family. Driven by his instincts and lust, he flirts with each of the family members. The director uninhibitedly captures not only the seduction itself but also the bed outcome. And it’s not about changing the sheets by the servant of colour – influenced by him, each member of the luxury household experiences a radical sexual and spiritual transformation.
This delicious film candy is served with camp, shameless icing – LaBruce spreads both, the legs of his characters and the imagination of the viewers wide open. The whole is as much a queer manifesto and a comment on social problems, as a satire.
🏆 Berlin International Film Festival 2024 – Panorama Audience Award, Nominee
🏆 Berlin International Film Festival 2024 – Teddy Award, Nominee


Bruce LaBruce


Alex Babboni, Victor Fraga, Bruce LaBruce


Bishop Black, Macklin Kowal, Amy Kingsmill, Ray Filar, Kurtis Lincoln, Luca Federici, John Foley


Hannah Holland


Jack Hamilton


United Kingdom 2024

running time:

101 minutes


feature film/comedy

Polish subtitles

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